Guide to Picking and Planting Perennials in New York

The spring season is upon us and the time is coming to start preparing your garden for the summer. Plants have various statuses including perennials, annuals, shrubs and trees. Adding these plants can truly transform your property. The plants we’re focusing on in this post are perennials. All plants thrive in different situations and perennials are no different, so the following list pertains to New York and the New England area. Perennials have the distinction of returning yearly, and while present in every yard, some species can be used to really make the property stand out. With a presence in your garden, in planting boxes or around the property, these plants will allow you to create a lasting impact after just one plant!
Full Sun Perennials
Bee Balm
Brightly colored with a summer bloom, this perennial stands out when it blooms. It stands strong during the seasons, as deer and rabbits don’t snack on it. Even though it’s resistant to those animals, it attracts the ones that you want to see, including butterflies and hummingbirds. By deadheading, you can prolong the bloom time and keep the Bee Balm healthy and vibrant. Plant these near a porch or in view of your windows so that you can enjoy a nice summer show!
Named in part because of how much cats love this plant, it is hardy and beautiful, making it perfect for the beginning gardener or one who doesn’t have as much time to tend the plants. Like Bee Balm, it is deer resistant and attracts birds, so if you’re looking for a long lasting plant that brings a show, catmint is another great choice!
Looking for an ornamental grass to surround your pool or deck? Look no further than Miscanthus, as it is a year-round perennial that stands out by standing tall. Since it is easy to grow and resists spreading, it has a place on every property. Whether using it as a focal point, a small privacy border or a backdrop for a picture-esque sunrise or sunset, it has the opportunity to steal the show.
Partial Sun Perennials
Black-Eyed Susan
If you’re looking for a splash of sunlight on your property, you can get it from Black-Eyed Susan’s. This perennial thrives in not only partial sun, but also full sun. Blooming from early/mid-summer until the first frost, the Black-Eyed Susan are resistant to animals that inhabit the Northeast, while bringing pollinating insects to your backyard. Since the Black-Eyed Susan is easy to grow and manage, it creates a low stress flower that you can clip and have indoors as well.
Coral Bells
Coral Bells are another versatile perennial, as it can thrive in all sorts of sunlight. It works well as a ground cover as the green leaves mask a lot of the dirt underneath. Like many of the aforementioned plants, the flowers draw attention from hummingbirds, creating a beautiful environment for you and your company to enjoy. With a good number of colors to choose from, these can fit into your current garden or stand out with a grey flower.
Hostas are different than the majority of the perennials included in this post, as they don’t bloom as long as the others. However, they also offer features that most others on this list do not, including the ability to provide ground cover and prevent erosion. The Hosta is a widespread perennial that is adored by new and old gardeners who love how easy it is to grow and maintain. If you need ground cover and want some a little blooming as well, look into purchasing Hostas.
Shade Perennials
The featured image on our post, the Astilbe is a beautiful combination of green foliage and bright flowers. Astilbe thrives in the shade, but in the Northeast, it can withstand being in the sun as the leaves won’t burn. With the flowers blooming throughout the year, this perennial is always stunning. Hummingbirds are attracted and there’s a nice fragrance from the flowers, making this a must-have in shady areas.
Another beautiful flowering shade perennial, Lily-of-the-Valley is the sole flower on this post that is most frequently white. The small flowers are extremely fragrant, making it attractive to gardeners who are looking for a strong flower. Another good ground cover plant, there can be an issue of it spreading wildly, so either plant it where you don’t mind it spreading or control the spread, by encasing it in a small area. The white flowers will certainly stand out in any setting with the backdrop of green leaves.
Bleeding Heart
Finally there’s the Bleeding Heart, a perennial that will stand out on a yearly basis. The Bleeding Heart differs from many other on this list, as some bloom only during spring, while other types can bloom throughout the season (especially in cooler environments). The foliage is a lighter green than others on the list and the bloom is a beautiful shade of pink or white. It thrives when placed on the property line, where it can get the necessary shade, but still stand out.
Plant Encyclopedia – No Fail Perennials of the Northeast – 10 Perennials for the Northeast – Best Perennials for Gardeners in New England –
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